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The change we’re building starts at home. We’re working to make a difference for our own neighbors, in our own communities.

Making a difference here at home

We’re working on issues that matter right here in the Hill Country.

Local control

Our counties and resource districts need the powers to develop and implement solutions that preserve the best of the Hill Country.

Environmental protection

We treasure the natural beauty of the Hill Country’s lakes, rivers, and natural spaces and work to protect them for future generations.

Brightly decorated postcards with messages to vote

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Letters bound and ready to be sent out

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Building the Bluebonnet Blue Wave

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Register & vote

We want the voice of every Kendall County citizen to be heard in local, state and national policies.


You make it happen: talking with neighbors, registering voters, organizing events, contacting elected officials.

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Latest News

Woman holding protect sign saying "Make America Think Again" in Wheeling, WV.

Progressive Views: The Insidious Project 2025

Project 2025 (P25) is the published plan for an “ideal” America if a conservative wins the 2024 presidential election; they call it the “Mandate for Leadership: The Conservative Project.” P25 is spearheaded by the Heritage Foundation and is supported by more than 80 organizations. You need to be aware of P25 because it’s a plan for how the next Republican administration plans to gut our federal institutions and remake the nation into an authoritarian state. To read more about Project 2025 and other important Democratic issues, visit our Talking Points documents on our website at 
Read More Progressive Views: The Insidious Project 2025
County Chair Laura Bray

Press Release: Laura Bray Elected as a Delegate to Democratic National Convention

Kendall County Democratic Party Chair Laura Bray Elected as a Delegate to Democratic National Convention At the Texas Democratic Convention on June 7, Kendall County Democratic Party (KCDP) Chair Laura Bray was elected as a Delegate to the Democratic National Convention, to be held in Chicago from August 19-22. Bray was one of only five […]
Read More Press Release: Laura Bray Elected as a Delegate to Democratic National Convention
Woman with head on hand in front of MacBook.

Progressive Views: Just Say “No” (Again) to School Vouchers

Gov. Greg Abbott is boasting that he now has the votes to pass his “school choice” voucher program during next year’s session of the Texas Legislature. He’s confident because during the recent primary he ran a successful “revenge campaign” against incumbents from his own party who helped defeat vouchers during the last legislative session. This, despite consistent polling that shows a majority of Texans do not support vouchers. Democratic legislators will be our only line of defense to defeat them once again.
Read More Progressive Views: Just Say “No” (Again) to School Vouchers

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We are proud to work together with many other organizations to promote Democratic values locally and nationally.

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