Progressive Views: The Insidious Project 2025

Project 2025 (P25) is the published plan for an “ideal” America if a conservative wins the 2024 presidential election; they call it the “Mandate for Leadership: The Conservative Project.” P25 is spearheaded by the Heritage Foundation and is supported by more than 80 organizations. You need to be aware of P25 because it’s a plan for how the next Republican administration plans to gut our federal institutions and remake the nation into an authoritarian state. To read more about Project 2025 and other important Democratic issues, visit our Talking Points documents on our website at 

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Progressive Views: Diversity is a Strength

DEI simply levels the playing field, so qualified people from less-than-optimum backgrounds have a fair chance to succeed. Helping those that have and are suffering discrimination is a strength, not a weakness. Diversity, equity, and inclusion programs help create a fairer environment to provide opportunities for individuals who need help. Attacking DEI is just another effort to divide the country. The essential elements for a democracy to function are civility and truth but we must also care about those less fortunate.

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Progressive Views: Getting to Work

This is the most important election in our lives. Our very democracy is at stake, and here in Texas, our leaders are racing each other further and further to the right. We must make sure every voter knows the stakes. So we’ll need everyone on board to help in one way or another. We are all those those thoughtful, committed individuals, and together, we can change things here in Kendall, in Texas, and nationally. We just need your help to do it!

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Progressive Views: High Time for an Effective Debt Commission

The Federal deficit is $34 trillion and currently growing at a rate of $1.7 trillion per year. We are spending over 23% of GDP and only taking in revenue of 19%. The debt continues to grow regardless of which political party is in power. A bipartisan committee comprised of outside experts and Congress members must create the solution and educate the public to gain support and buy-i

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Progressive Views: Do ALL Lives Matter in Texas? Part 2

On December 24, 2023, the Viewpoints column by Rich Sena in the Boerne Star stressed that all lives matter. I found myself agreeing with much of what Rich wrote but his article also gave me pause. This doesn't seem to apply to the victims of gun violence in Texas, transgender people, women and those affected by hate crimes.

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Progressive Views: Do ALL Lives Matter in Texas? Part 1

On December 24, 2023, the Viewpoints column by Rich Sena in the Boerne Star stressed that all lives matter. I found myself agreeing with much of what Rich wrote but his article also gave me pause. This doesn't seem to apply to the poor and food insecure in Texas, the undocumented, those with no health insurance and abused and neglected children.

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Progressive Views: Bring Back Comity

Hatred, bigotry, political polarization, and distrust are huge problems that must be solved if we are to remain a democracy.  We need all people to fix it. Extremism in on the rise and increasing in Texas. The writer provides possible ways of fighting extremism and ending hatred.

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Progressive Views: Hot Enough for You? Climate Change is Here

The average temperature across the U.S. in July 2023 was 2.1 degrees above normal, “with July 2023 ranking as the 11th-hottest July in the 129-year climate record.” NOAA also said that “July 3, 4 and 5 all consecutively broke records as the Earth’s hottest day since scientists began recording in 1979.” Despite warming temperatures, “Leading energy companies are intent on…expanding fossil fuel production and insisting that there is no alternative. While governments will need to lead the way to making significant adjustments to mitigate climate change, we can all make personal changes to reduce our environmental impact.

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Progressive Views: The Debt Crisis is Real

The United States is playing Russian Roulette with our debt and our fiscal future. The current national debt is a whopping $32 trillion, almost 100% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP). We must raise revenue from 19% to 21% of GDP by eliminating most deductions, exclusions, preferences, and credits. We must bring spending down (currently 23% of GDP) to revenue over the next 10 years by freezing domestic and defense spending, reforming healthcare, and putting Social Security on a solid footing by reducing benefits to the top 25% of earners.

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