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What we’re about

Our Party

We’re an active, growing team committed to building a more inclusive community, state and nation. Join us!

Key Issues

Learn more about what we’re fighting for: accountability, civil rights, education, the environment, and more.

Local Activity

The change we’re building starts at home. We’re working to make a difference for our own neighbors, in our own communities.

Making a difference here at home

We’re working on issues that matter right here in the Hill Country.

Local control

Our counties and resource districts need the powers to develop and implement solutions that preserve the best of the Hill Country.

Environmental protection

We treasure the natural beauty of the Hill Country’s lakes, rivers, and natural spaces and work to protect them for future generations.

Brightly decorated postcards with messages to vote

Get Involved

Right now, here’s something you can do to help build our community back better.

Letters bound and ready to be sent out

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Building the Bluebonnet Blue Wave

How you can help

Register & vote

We want the voice of every Kendall County citizen to be heard in local, state and national policies.


You make it happen: talking with neighbors, registering voters, organizing events, contacting elected officials.

Donate & support

You power the movement, through recurring gifts, one-time donations, and fundraiser participation.

Latest News

Statue on top of Texas state Capitol building.

Progressive Views: Contact Legislators on Two Terrible Bills

The Texas Legislature is about a month into its every-other-year session, and they are considering quite a few awful bills, including school vouchers, but also an elimination to countywide voting and the SAVE act which requires all Americans to provide a birth certificate, passport, or one of a few other citizenship documents every time they register or re-register to vote.
Read More Progressive Views: Contact Legislators on Two Terrible Bills
Industrial workers in foundry working with molten metal.

Progressive Views: Support the Texas Worker

Texas workers are not supported by the Texas Legislature as evidenced by the state government continuing to hold teacher pay hostage to approve vouchers, not requiring companies to provide workers compensation insurance and not providing adequate minimum wage or health insurance for the people who make the Texas economy vibrant and successful in spite of government efforts to minimize their contributions and protections.
Read More Progressive Views: Support the Texas Worker

Friends & Partners

We are proud to work together with many other organizations to promote Democratic values locally and nationally.

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