Notes from the Chair: It's Our Turn Now and We Are Ready!

by Kevin Henning, KCDP Chair
for the KCDP weekly newsletter, August 23, 2020

Democratic National Convention 2020 logo

Recapping the Democratic National Convention

Our National Convention is now over and it is time to start making a difference. I was concerned that it might not generate excitement done virtually. It turned out to be wonderful. I was sure impressed by the speakers and interplay of everyday folks supporting our movement to save the nation. From Michelle Obama’s dire warning that it could get worse to Joe Biden’s pledge to bring unity, fairness, responsibility and love to the Presidency, I was moved. I thought the car rally with the Biden’s and Harris’ was a great way to end the evening.

In between Michelle and Joe, we had so many great speeches and moments, even from Republicans and I was especially impressed by historian Jon Meacham’s remarks. “Our democracy is under assault from an incumbent more interested in himself than he is in all of us,” he went on to call for a Biden victory saying, “It’s now time to write the next chapter of the American story – one of hope of love and justice. If we do so, we might just save our country and our souls…

Barack Obama made it clear that what’s at stake is our democracy and called for America to fully live up to its creed. “Tonight, I am asking you to believe in Joe and Kamala’s ability to lead this country out of these dark times and build it back better. But here’s the thing: no single American can fix this country alone. Not even a president. Democracy was never meant to be transactional — you give me your vote; I make everything better. It requires an active and informed citizenry. So, I am also asking you to believe in your own ability — to embrace your own responsibility as citizens — to make sure that the basic tenets of our democracy endure.”

Kamala’s remarks were so right and appropriate. “So we’re at an inflection point. The constant chaos leaves us adrift. The incompetence makes us feel afraid. The callousness makes us feel alone. It’s a lot. And here’s the thing. We can do better and deserve so much more. We must elect a president who will bring something different, something better, and do the important work, a president who will bring all of us together, Black, White, Latino, Asian, indigenous, to achieve the future we collectively want. We must elect Joe Biden.” She ended, “Let’s fight with hope. Let’s fight with confidence in ourselves and a commitment to each other, to the America we know is possible, the America we love.”

Finally, the most touching moment for me was when Brayden Harrington, a boy with a stutter, told us how Joe, a former stutter himself, helped him. No way to top that young man.

I can’t really add anything to what these tremendous patriots have said. Now, let’s embrace our responsibility as citizens and focus on our mission to turn Texas Blue, to kick the current president and his zombie like vice president out of office and to elect Democrats. In future newsletters, I’ll be outlining actions that we all can take to make a difference. Here’s this week’s suggestion:

Flip the House

Diagram of the Texas House: 67 Democrats and 83 Republicans, including 12 Democrat wins in 2018 and 17 GOP near losses in 2018, and only nine seats needed to flip the house to Democratic control.

We must increase the number of Democrats in the Texas Legislature by at least nine to take control of that body and head off a Republican led redistricting effort. Current boundaries, particularly for US Congress, are mightily gerrymandered to help Republicans get elected. We of course should support our House District 73 candidate Stephanie Phillips but we must also help the other Texas State House candidates. The United States census is in progress and is the data used to determine how legislative districts are drawn. This only happens once a decade, so it is how gerrymandered districts happen. For Democrats in Texas to have a shot at fair legislative maps, we must gain control of the State House. Here’s a website you should visit to learn more and find candidates that you can help by contributing to their campaigns. Also, it lists upcoming events.

Please check this site out: Just click on the candidate button and you can link directly to each of their websites and donate. In addition to donating to Stephanie, I have donated to most of these State House candidates. You can pick one or a few if you like. Please, give it a go, it’s a great time to help!

Stay Safe and Stay Engaged!

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