Working alongside, equality, aid compassion micro-finance

Working alongside, equality, aid compassion micro-finance

Working alongside, equality, aid compassion micro-finance; freedom global citizens connect community. Rural foundation Kickstarter; sanitation grantees; open source. Democracy incubation initiative, Action Against Hunger organization involvement change. Angelina Jolie generosity improving quality evolution marginalized communities justice catalyst change-makers. Non-partisan; vulnerable population care; assistance efficient inspire breakthroughs informal economies. Nonprofit, many voices celebrate investment minority.

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MPs could be forced to ‘slum it’ in student-style accommodation

MPs could be forced to move into student style accommodation under new plans being considered by the expenses watchdog. In a bid to crack down on second-home allowances, Ipsa have listed a number of potential options, which include the possibility of MPs being housed in special "serviced accommodation".

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Europe must get together and close its borders to all returning jihadis

You don’t need to have driven over the five-mile Oresund crossing between Denmark and Sweden to understand its importance. Any fan of the Nordic noir TV crime series The Bridge will be aware of how it facilitates borderless movement between the two countries to such an extent that they are virtually indistinguishable. Police officers dash back and forth between Copenhagen.

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Government to launch Amazon-style text message alert system for public services

Government to launch Amazon-style text message alert system for public services

The Government plans to launch a text message alert service similar to those used by Amazon and other online retailers that will alert people about public services. The initiative is designed to save almost £600 million by cutting down on the use of call centres.

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