Progressive Views: Do ALL Lives Matter in Texas? Part 2

On December 24, 2023, the Viewpoints column by Rich Sena in the Boerne Star stressed that all lives matter. I found myself agreeing with much of what Rich wrote but his article also gave me pause. This doesn't seem to apply to the victims of gun violence in Texas, transgender people, women and those affected by hate crimes.

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Progressive Views: Do ALL Lives Matter in Texas? Part 1

On December 24, 2023, the Viewpoints column by Rich Sena in the Boerne Star stressed that all lives matter. I found myself agreeing with much of what Rich wrote but his article also gave me pause. This doesn't seem to apply to the poor and food insecure in Texas, the undocumented, those with no health insurance and abused and neglected children.

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Progressive Views: Coming Soon: the March Primary Election

Author relates excellence of the staff at the Kendall County Elections Office and how residents can rest assured their vote will be recorded and counted accurately, then discusses the candidates to be voted on in the March 2024 primary. Article also describes Texas' open primary. Early voting begins February 20 and runs through March 1. Early voting is held at the KCEO office on Fawn Valley. Election Day is Tuesday, March 5.

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Progressive Views: Hunting Promotes Conservation

Author discusses early love of hunting in and hunts in Wyoming and Texas. With dramatic loss of wildlife, the North American Conservation Model and conservation organizations, have added and maintained wildlife habitat, along with the 1937 Pittman-Robertson Act, which promoted a federal excise tax on hunting equipment. Hunting does promote conservation.

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Progressive Views: What is One Water?

Kendall County has been in the grip (and still is) of an Exceptional Drought—the highest level. Several local initiatives provide information on water in all its forms. The Texas Legislature has made it nearly impossible for counties to regulate development in unincorporated areas of the county. Pressure must be put on state reps to give cities and counties ore authority to regulate development, not less.

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Progressive Views: Bring Back Comity

Hatred, bigotry, political polarization, and distrust are huge problems that must be solved if we are to remain a democracy.  We need all people to fix it. Extremism in on the rise and increasing in Texas. The writer provides possible ways of fighting extremism and ending hatred.

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Progressive Views: Say “No” to School Vouchers Again

School vouchers will divert your tax money into private schools and subsidize wealthier people sending their kids to elitist schools. The governor’s school voucher plan defunds public schools, funds private and religious schools, funnels dollars away from struggling schools, and widens the education inequality gap.

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Progressive Views: The Grid Ain’t Fixed

The record-setting temperatures this summer stressed the grid nearly to the breaking point several times. ERCOT, the agency responsible for operating the power grid, issued several “conservation alerts” over the past three months, with one episode of “emergency operations” that warned of possible rolling blackouts. Fortunately, the grid remained operational and no blackouts were needed, but it was a close run thing.

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Progressive Views: Grateful

Details why writer is proud to be an American and details his American heroes. Democracy functions with civility and truth and being a Democrat/Progressive for the writer means many different things.

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