The Kendall County Democratic Party (KCDP) forcefully condemns acts of vandalism committed both against the banner in front of the Kendall County Republican Party (KCRP) headquarters earlier this week and against current Democratic campaign signs. The KCDP has been in touch with the KCRP. Both organizations are opposed to vandalism of any kind, against either side. (Democratic signs and other personal property have been regularly vandalized for the past several election cycles.)
Although members of the KCDP are strong capital-D Democrats, we are first and foremost lowercase-d democrats, and we deeply believe that violence and voter intimidation only serve to undermine democracy. Democracy happens when every eligible voter can inform themselves of their options and cast their ballot free of fear or obstacles, with full confidence that it will be safeguarded and fairly counted. Vandalism and hatred do not reflect either our Democratic values or our democratic values.