Progressive Views: Propaganda and the Braver Angels Program

By Kevin Henning
For the “Progressive Views” column, Boerne Star, August 11, 2024

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Propaganda is a major contributor to the polarizing division, distrust, and dysfunction threatening our democracy. It must be tamed by truth if we are to remain the world’s leading democracy. Merriam-Webster defines information propaganda in a couple of ways: “the spreading of ideas, information, or rumor for the purpose of helping or injuring an institution, a cause, or a person and ideas, facts, or allegations spread deliberately to further one’s cause or to damage an opposing cause.”

While in use before Roman times, Romans were quite good at using propaganda to influence their citizenry. World War I saw a tremendous increase in the use of propaganda. The Nazis took propaganda to a new level after WWI, as they perfected their strategy of antisemitism and genocide in pursuit of world domination. Most recently the Russians have taken propaganda to a new level in the effort to disrupt elections around the world. Those of us who have spent time in the Bullock Texas State History Museum in Austin may remember the excellent exhibit on the Nazi Propaganda. The exhibit emphasizes the dangers of propaganda and inspires us to seek truth and strive for decency.

In his book, How to Win an Information War, author Peter Pomerantsev describes Hitler’s and Goebbels’ powerful propaganda machine and British efforts to counter German propaganda. He also gives us insights into our current period and the use of lies and misinformation that could destroy our democracy. There are ways to change our direction.

I recently joined the organization Braver Angels along with about 14,000 other folks from all political perspectives and have attended one event. The name comes from Lincoln’s “Better Angels” passage in his 1861 inaugural address which remains fitting and aspirational today: “We are not enemies, but friends. We must not be enemies…. every living heart and hearthstone all over this broad land, will yet swell the chorus of the Union, when again touched, as surely they will be, by the better angels of our nature.” Quoting from their website: “Braver Angels is the nation’s largest cross-partisan, volunteer-led movement to bridge the partisan divide for the good of our democratic republic. As we head into the election, we’re bringing together ‘We the People’ to find a hopeful alternative to toxic politics. The American Hope campaign is equipping Americans across the political spectrum to work together and demand the same of politicians from both parties.” They have held over 4,000 events involving over 50,000 participants, and my fingers are crossed that we can make a difference. Their agenda includes the “We the People” campaign, an aggressive program that comes from the fact that lasting change will only come when we learn to work together and demand that our politicians do the same. They also are working to restore trust in our elections. There is no evidence that our elections aren’t the fairest and most secure in the world, but due to propaganda, segments of our population express concern. As a result of numerous bipartisan workshops, Braver Angels developed these principles: “Voting should be easy. Cheating should be hard. Every citizen should have an equal say in who will govern them; this is done through free and fair elections. The American government will fail if candidates refuse to accept any outcome other than victory.” We should all be proud of Kendall County’s excellent election office that continues to ensure that we do have free and fair elections. 

Unfortunately, we are witness to actions by extremists who are striving to disrupt our society and the basic principle of our democracy: that the majority gets to rule within the bounds of the Constitution. The dysfunction threatening our democracy requires immediate action to address partisan extremes. Hopefully, Braver Angels will have an impact. We must bring back the norms and values that make our system work. Time to bring decency back to Texas and as columnist Chris Tomlinson recently urged: “The time is ripe for moderates to stand up to extremists and win back the trust of average Americans.” Let’s all work to end the deception that threatens our democracy.

For more information on our activities and advocacy and how to get involved, call our office at 830-331-1243 or visit

Kevin Henning is a local Democrat.. 

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