Progressive Views: Support the Texas Worker

Texas workers are not supported by the Texas Legislature as evidenced by the state government continuing to hold teacher pay hostage to approve vouchers, not requiring companies to provide workers compensation insurance and not providing adequate minimum wage or health insurance for the people who make the Texas economy vibrant and successful in spite of government efforts to minimize their contributions and protections.

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Progressive Views: Victor Orban, Debt Crisis and Climate Change

The U.S. national debt and climate change require urgent solutions or we will leave our children with a bleak legacy. The national debt exceeds GDP by 20% and grows regardless of the political party in power. Annual spending far exceeds revenue. The Earth is 1.1°C warmer than 150 years ago and greenhouse emissions continue to rise.

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Progressive Views: “The Economy Stupid”

Many U.S. Republican presidents in recent history have handed struggling economies to incoming Democratic presidents. Since the end of WWII, the U.S. economy has been better under Democratic leaders. Under Republican leaders, the rich have gotten richer and the poor, poorer. It's time to vote for Harris and choose a president worthy of the position whose policies will reverse income inequality and push high-wage jobs and sustainable manufacturing.

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Progressive Views: Texas Railroad Commission Needs Reform

The Railroad Commission issues permits for drilling, enforces industry regulations, works to prevent waste of natural resources, and plays a key role in environmental protection. Commissioners are elected and each make $140,000 per year and receive an estimated 60% of campaign funding from the industry they regulate. The Commission has taxpayers paying for plugging orphan wells and turns a blind eye to the flaring of natural gas that should be captured and sold. Reform in the Commission means voting for the Democratic candidates.

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Progressive Views: Propaganda and the Braver Angels Program

Propaganda is a major contributor to the polarizing division in the United States. Braver Angels, the nation's largest, cross-partisan movement to bridge the divide through their American Hope campaign. Braver Angels is making strides to help those of differing political views to learn to work together. They are also helping to restore trust in our elections. Actions by extremists to disrupt the very fabric of our society and democracy threaten our hard-won freedoms. Braver Angels can have a profound impact.

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Progressive Views: High Gasoline Prices – Who Should We Blame?

World markets determine the prices for most energy commodities with oil being the most important. The price of oil is the main factor affecting the price of gasoline and makes up about 50% of the cost of a gallon of gasoline. The other significant factors are margins, transportation, taxes, and refining operating costs. World crude demand is now about 102 million barrels per day and still growing slightly. We must move to renewables without forgetting the petroleum work

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Progressive Views: Possible Clean Energy Solutions

Energy options such as hydrogen, geothermal, and fourth-generation nuclear power plants can help us get to net zero carbon dioxide emissions by 2050. While it is the most abundant element in the universe, hydrogen has issues as well as being expensive, but it could be used in special applications. Geothermal is sustainable, environmentally friendly, renewable and always on. Nuclear energy can replace fossil fuel plants with zero carbon technology and be much safer and smaller.

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Progressive Views: Diversity is a Strength

DEI simply levels the playing field, so qualified people from less-than-optimum backgrounds have a fair chance to succeed. Helping those that have and are suffering discrimination is a strength, not a weakness. Diversity, equity, and inclusion programs help create a fairer environment to provide opportunities for individuals who need help. Attacking DEI is just another effort to divide the country. The essential elements for a democracy to function are civility and truth but we must also care about those less fortunate.

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Progressive Views: High Time for an Effective Debt Commission

The Federal deficit is $34 trillion and currently growing at a rate of $1.7 trillion per year. We are spending over 23% of GDP and only taking in revenue of 19%. The debt continues to grow regardless of which political party is in power. A bipartisan committee comprised of outside experts and Congress members must create the solution and educate the public to gain support and buy-i

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