Progressive Views: Growth: Let’s Make It A Good Thing
Yes, growth brings challenges... But I’ll take on those challenges when faced with the alternative—stagnation and decline.
Yes, growth brings challenges... But I’ll take on those challenges when faced with the alternative—stagnation and decline.
Ben Eldredge represents the Cow Creek Groundwater Conservation District on the recently-formed Boerne-Fair Oaks-Kendall County Transportation Planning Committee. Ben recently explained his vision of what he hopes that committee can help to accomplish with its work.
The U.S. spends more on defense than the next 7 countries combined, but it's never enough somehow.
Our epidemic of gun violence is a complex, multi-faceted situation with gun control, mental health, and societal components. We need people willing to face the complexities and make the hard, practical decisions.
With the vast majority of Americans living paycheck to paycheck there’s not much room in the budget for increased costs. There is mounting pressure for change.
What we accept as “truth” very much depends as to what peer groups shape our thinking and causes one not to question what is said by others. So how does one construct one's beliefs based upon truth rather than misinformation and counterfactuals?
This has to be a unified effort -- from each of us as individuals to our large and unwieldy governments and corporations -- if we are to save our planet and a life for future generations.
It comes down to this. Criticism of political views and policies is one thing. Playing the race card is something else altogether.
It’s long past time to hold to account the president (and his enablers) on the rhetoric that empowers acts of violence. Such words create a climate that fosters just this kind of evil.
“Plurality of views” means including all voices in the political debate: men-women, young-old, rich-poor, minorities and indigenous peoples. The ability to listen and understand is sometimes more important than our ability to speak.