Progressive Views: Vote at Home
Absentee ballot green envelope

Progressive Views: Vote at Home

Vote at home is also called vote by mail or absentee voting. It is increasing throughout the United States because it is a great way to improve voter turnout and reduce election costs. Texas scores among the lowest in voter-friendly policies. Expanding mail in and absentee voting would be a great way to improve voter turnout, strengthen our election security, and secure our democracy for future generations.

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Progressive Views: Make Voting Easier, Not Harder
Vote going in ballot box

Progressive Views: Make Voting Easier, Not Harder

The Texas Legislature closed its regular session this year without passing measures that would make voting in Texas easier. Texas ranks 46th in “ease of voting,” according to a study in the “Election Law Journal.” Four ways to address are" online voter registration, no-excuse absentee voting, mail-in ballot application simplification, and accept more kinds of photo IDs.

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Progressive Views: The Four Freedoms

In his January, 1941 message to Congress, President Franklin Roosevelt ended his speech by explaining the concept of four freedoms. We had not entered World War II with the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor some ten months away. Today we continue to be tested both here and around the world to defend freedom. FDR’s message still rings true. The freedom of speech and worship, and from want and fear represent an ideal for humanity to realize. It is time to end extremism. It is time to replace hatred with kindness.

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Progressive Views: The 88th TxLege Is A Wrap (Sort Of)
Image by Ruben Reyes is licensed under CC-BY-NC-ND 2.0

Progressive Views: The 88th TxLege Is A Wrap (Sort Of)

Article discusses the results of the 88th Texas Legislature with school vouchers still unpassed and HB 12 and HB 2390 as victories and disappointments such as HB 2744 and HB 3995. Governor Abbott has vowed to call multiple special sessions to pass many critical items. KCDP plans to keep a close eye on bills introduced in these sessions.

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Progressive Views: The Other America
Image by Timur Weber is licensed under CC-BY-NC-ND 2.0

Progressive Views: The Other America

Current bills in the Texas Legislature continue the inherent unfairness, poverty, racism and social disorder in our nation. Senate Bill (SB) 18, currently before the Texas Legislature, would abolish tenure in an effort to intimidate college educators to teach what folks in Austin want. House Bill (HB) 1804 would censor classroom lessons and ban books from schools and libraries, many of them about the experiences of people of color and LGBTQ folks. Bills like SB 8, which would steal money from our public schools to fund private school vouchers, is also a sad example of efforts to censor free speech. Students should receive a truthful education and access to books that reflect the diversity of our state and country. We simply do not have a level playing field but a nation where the “Rich get richer and the poor get poorer.” To make the “American Dream” real for everyone we must help the poorest among us to have access to decent housing, proper nutrition, and most of all quality education for the young.

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Progressive Views: Two TxLege Bills to Oppose
Image by CQF-Avocat is licensed under CC-BY-NC-ND 2.0

Progressive Views: Two TxLege Bills to Oppose

SB. 990 would eliminate the very popular countywide voting program, which allows a voter to vote at any polling place in the county in which they’re registered. HB 2127 would bar cities and counties from regulating entire industries and professions already controlled by eight state codes (Agriculture, Business & Commerce, Finance, Insurance, Labor, Natural Resources, Occupations, and Property). It's another blatant attack on the power of cities and counties to govern their own residents.

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Progressive Views: Support HB 3995/Upcoming Election

The bill protects our military readiness and military operations at Joint Base San Antonio--Camp Bullis, which is essential to protect the nation. These local control provisions are necessary to accomplish the mission to protect Camp Bullis. Residents of City of Boerne (CoB) and City of Fair Oaks Ranch (FOR) have a municipal election on the horizon. Early voting starts this Monday. Election Day is Saturday, May 6.

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