by Kevin Henning, KCDP Chair
for the KCDP weekly newsletter, August 30, 2020

Thinking back to 2014 when I first got involved in Democratic politics the ratio of Republicans to Democrats was almost 6 to 1. Today, we are outnumbered by at most 4 to one and maybe (here’s hoping) closer to 3 to 1. The election in November will tell us for sure and your efforts to get the Democratic vote out will make a big difference. Also, the fact that Kendall County is the seventh fastest growing place in the country percentage wise is a factor as is the current president’s efforts to undermine the country and divide us.
So, since we can’t as yet win any local partisan elections, what can we do? We can maximize Democratic turnout to help add to the vote total of our Federal and State candidates. Also, and very importantly, we can force the Reds to spend more money here to take resources away from other places. A great example is Wendy Davis. Roy will beat her in Kendall County but forcing them to spend money on signs and advertising here reduces his resources elsewhere and trust me if we all pitch in and help, she will win!
So that’s what we want to do, maximize Democratic votes and mount a campaign effort for Joe, MJ, Wendy and all our other great candidates. Keeping this thought, here’s this week’s action suggestion:
In addition to volunteering for the KCDP, take a look at the links below and sign up to do post carding, phone banking and texting for Joe, Wendy, MJ, and the Texas Democratic Party.
Biden/Harris –
MJ Hegar –
Wendy Davis –
#BlackLivesMatter: Yesterday. Today. Always.
The shooting of Jacob Blake by police leaves me speechless and hurting. A father of six, shot seven times in front of some of his children. He is currently paralyzed below the waist.
Then two protesters were murdered by a white 17-year-old with an AR-15, who gets taken by Kenosha police without injury. A kid attacking protesters is the kind of ignorant vigilantism that we have come to expect under the current president who fans the flames of hatred, division and bigotry.
I condemn violence at all levels and by all people but this president has got to go. We need new leadership who will bring us together and start a healing process. We must have Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to get us back on track and start the process to hopefully end racism once and for all. Without an end to racism we will never be great.
Stay Safe and Stay Engaged!
This week’s newsletter
Learn more about Wendy Davis for Congress, volunteer opportunities, and much more!
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