by Kevin Henning, KCDP Chair
for the KCDP weekly newsletter, April 12, 2020

The Democratic Party Runoff Election is now scheduled for July 14, 2020. In light of the COVID-19 virus, the Texas Democratic Party (TDP) has taken legal action to clarify and expand the use of vote by mail for individuals who fear contracting COVID-19 at a polling place. Voters should not have to choose between their lives or their right to vote. So far the TDP has been successful. A state district judge last Wednesday said he will move forward with an order easing restrictions for voting by mail in Texas. It’s a good start, but we’ve got a long way to go. Attorney General Paxton is challenging this order so more legal action will be coming before we know the final outcome.
One thing for sure, anyone over 65 can vote by mail in Texas. If you are at all concerned about voting in person next July and are not already doing vote by mail, you should request a mail-in ballot.
There are a number of ways to request a mail-in ballot. Here’s an easy link that lets you prepare a letter requesting a ballot: Texas Democrats Website or you can call the Kendall Co. Elections office and request an application for Ballot by Mail at 830-331-8701. The Election office will be happy to help you with any questions that you may have.
Here are some important dates to note:
- Monday, June 15, 2020 – Last day to Register to Vote
- Monday, July 6, 2020 – First day of Early Voting
- Friday, July 3, 2020 – Last day to apply for ballot by mail (Received, not postmarked)
- Friday, July 10, 2020 – Last day of Early Voting
- Tuesday, July 14, 2020 – Election Day
Social Distancing
It has been interesting to observe the adherence to social distancing guidelines and mask wearing around town. Mask wearing is improving as Mayor Handren has been stressing it in his videos. I assume that the folks wearing masks are Democrats who care about fellow human beings and the ones without masks are Republicans. Of concern to me is that many of our public officials particularly at the county level are not setting good examples which doesn’t demonstrates good leadership. So please social distance and wear masks to send the message that we must be vigilant to flatten the curve and keep the virus from taking many more lives. Getting good at this will let us get back to business sooner than later.
Conservative Columnist Rich Lowry had a great editorial in Saturday’s Express News condemning those who question the need for lock downs and efforts to contain the virus. Quoting Lowery: “An irony of the coronavirus debate is that the more successful lock downs are in squelching the disease, the more vulnerable they will be to attack as unnecessary in the first place.” It has been disgusting to see the radical right commentators and Trump’s attempts to change the truth and focus blame away from his incompetence, particularly in regards to his response to the pandemic. But you all know that and to change it, we must defeat the Republicans next November. Please join us and do your part to turn Texas blue.
Until we can be together again, please stay safe and please stay engaged. Thank you all for your support of the KCDP.
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