By Laura Bray
for the “Progressive Views” column, Boerne Star, March 11, 2023

The Kendall County Democratic Party (KCDP) and our local Democratic club, the Boerne Area Democrats (BAD), work to find and welcome more local Democrats to Kendall County and to foster a community of like-minded individuals. KCDP volunteers participate in a wide variety of activities that contribute to our local community.
- Election information and voter registration: We provide information on current elections, such as the upcoming May 6 municipal election (see details later). Visit our office at 216 E. Blanco, Suite 201 or give us a call at 830-331-1243. We’re open Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 11am-2pm. We also register voters at our office.
- Serving as election workers: You’ll see the smiling faces of several of our people when you vote in local elections. (The Republicans also provide election workers.) The Kendall County Elections Office provides extensive training to all election workers to ensure the integrity of all elections.
- Adopt a Highway Pick-Up: Once every quarter, KCDP volunteers pick up trash along a two-mile segment of FM3351, just south of Hwy 46. You may have seen our blue signs reading “Kendall County Democrats” along the way. In April, we’ll participate in the Great Texas Trash-Off, the biggest litter pick-up day of the year.
- Civic engagement: Several of our volunteers serve on boards and commissions of both City of Boerne and Kendall County, including the Patrick Heath Public Library Advisory Board and the Kendall County Library Advisory Board. Our volunteers often testify before City Council and Commissioners Court meetings. Democrats are also active with many community organizations and a variety of local churches, and KCDP is a member of the Boerne Chamber of Commerce and Comfort Chamber of Commerce.
- Contributions to newspapers: In addition to the every-other-week Progressive Views column, the Boerne Star and San Antonio Express-News often publish letters to the editor from our volunteers.
- Parade participation: We frequently have a float in both the Comfort Independence Day parade and the Kendall County Fair parade.
- Club activities: BAD offers several opportunities to meet every month, from regular membership meetings on the second Thursday of each month to social events such as Thirsty Thursday and Supper Club. Every spring, BAD awards its Civic Engagement scholarship to a senior at one of the three local public high schools. (Important note: the application period for the scholarship is now open; deadline is April 10, 2023.) BAD conducts fundraisers for Hill Country Family Services and the Center for Refugee Services.
KCDP and BAD encourage everyone, both new residents and those who have been here a while, to get involved:
- Are you registered to vote (and is your address current on your voter registration)? Check now, while there’s plenty of time before the next election. Visit to check.
- Commit to vote in the non-partisan 2023 elections. The next election is Saturday, May 6. On the ballot are two City of Boerne offices (Mayor and City Council Place 2) and one Fair Oaks Ranch office (City Council Place 2). The two open spots on the Boerne ISD school board have uncontested races. Talk to your family, friends, and neighbors and encourage them to vote.
- Join the Boerne Area Democrats. Dues are only $40 a year.
- Tell your precinct chair (look it up online) that you want to volunteer, or call our office at 830-331-1243. KCDP needs help in a variety of areas.
For more information on how to get involved with the Kendall County Democratic Party or Boerne Area Democrats, visit
Laura Bray is the Chair of the Kendall County Democratic Party.
Ready to get involved?
Learn more about upcoming opportunities to take action online and/or in our own community.