The Kendall County Democratic Party is committed to turning Texas blue — particularly, to the very real opportunity to flip the Texas House back to Democratic control after 20 years — and electing Democratic candidates to the US House of Representatives and all statewide offices, from Governor on down. To do this, we commit to full participation in all the Democratic primaries and conventions that comprise our nominating process — and we need your participation as well.

More information on registering to vote here

Voter Resource Page from the Texas Democratic Party.

2024 Primary Elections

Both the Democratic and Republican Parties held their primary elections in March (the Republicans had a runoff at the end of May). To see a list of Democratic candidates on the November ballot, click here(Link coming soon). More information from the Elections Division of the Texas Secretary of State

Kendall County Democratic Convention

The Kendall County Democratic Convention was held in March 2024. The next KCDP Convention will be held in March 2026.

Per the rules of the Texas Democratic Party, “any qualified Democratic voter who will be 18 years of age or older on the date in November of the General Election and who resides in the county and who has voted in the Democratic Primary…or who signs an oath of affiliation to the Democratic Party and has not voted in another party’s primary…shall be eligible to attend” and vote at the County Convention. Note that this means if you cast a “protest vote” in the Republican Primary, you may *not* attend or vote at the County Democratic Convention.

At this event, we discuss Party business, adopt Party resolutions, and select delegates to send to the Texas Democratic Convention (see next item). For more information, email the KCDP Chair at 

Texas Democratic Convention

The Texas Democratic Convention was held in early June in El Paso. Kendall County sent nine delegates to the Convention. Just as with the local county convention, the Texas Democratic Party will discuss Party business and adopt a Party Platform and Resolutions. The next state Convention will be held in the summer of 2026.

Democratic National Convention

The Democratic National Convention (DNC) is August 19-22, 2024 in Chicago. KCDP Chair Laura Bray was elected to be a Delegate to the DNC at the Texas Democratic Convention. Just as with the local county and state conventions, the Democratic National Convention will discuss Party business and adopt a Party Platform and Resolutions. The convention also nominates the Party’s Presidential and Vice Presidential candidates.

The next DNC will be held in the summer of 2026.

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