In this article, we’ll give you background on the current election, and explain how to:

In two of the Democratic primary races in March, no candidate received over 50% of the vote, which means the top two votegetters in each of those races will face off in a runoff election. The runoff was originally scheduled for May 26, but due to COVID-19, was postponed until July 14.
Prepare your choices
In Kendall County’s runoff election, there are two races on the Democratic ballot: US Senate, and Texas Railroad Commissioner. The Notes from the Chair in our June 14 newsletter includes introductory excerpts from each of the candidates’ websites, but we’d encourage you to dig into each of their websites to get to know them well:
- Candidates for US Senate
- MJ Hegar:
- Royce West:
- Candidates for Texas Railroad Commissioner
- Roberto “Beto” Alonzo
- Chrysta Castañeda
In addition to the candidates’ own websites, an electronic voter guide will be available on the League of Women Voters’ Vote411 website by the first week of July.
As you decide on your selections, remember to make notes on a paper you can carry into the voting booth with you, as you cannot refer to your mobile device while casting your vote. If you use the Vote411 Personalized Ballot, you can send the results to yourself and print them, or you can print and complete a sample ballot to take with you when you vote.
Make your plan
You are eligible to vote by mail in Texas if you are:
- 65 years of age or older, or
- Disabled, or
- Out of the county on Election Day and during all of the early voting days.
If you meet one or more of those qualifications, apply as soon as possible for your ballot by mail. Your application must be received at the Elections Office by Friday, July 3, for you to vote by mail in this runoff. As soon as you receive your ballot, carefully follow the instructions to complete it and return it, so you can be sure it will be counted.
For those voting in person, early voting will take place at the Kendall County Courthouse Annex, 221 Fawn Valley Drive in Boerne, at the following dates and times:
- Mon Jun 29: 8:00am – 6:00pm
- Tue Jun 30: 8:00am – 6:00pm
- Wed Jul 1: 8:00am – 6:00pm
- Thu Jul 2: 8:00am – 6:00pm
- Mon Jul 6: 8:00am – 6:00pm
- Tue Jul 7: 8:00am – 6:00pm
- Wed Jul 8: 8:00am – 6:00pm
- Thu Jul 9: 8:00am – 6:00pm
- Fri Jul 10: 8:00am – 6:00pm
On Election Day, Tuesday July 14, Kendall County voters can cast their votes at any of the following locations from 7:00am – 7:00pm:
- City Hall (City of Boerne): 447 N. Main Street #100, Boerne, Texas 78006
- Bergheim Volunteer Fire Department: 1 Old Curry Creek Road, Boerne, Texas 78006
- Burdick Community Center: 119 Old San Antonio Road, Boerne, Texas 78006
- Kendalia Community Center: 2610 FM 473, Kendalia, Texas 78006
- Comfort Baptist Church: 100 Amber Drive, Comfort, Texas 78013
- Nineteen:Ten Church: 130 FM 1376, Boerne, Texas 78006
Whichever of the above options you choose, be sure to make a plan for when and where you plan to vote, and how you will get to your polling location – then put it on your calendar.
Bring your crew
Once you’ve got your plan in place, extend your plan to include your family, friends and neighbors. Make sure they each know where and when to vote, and that they have a way to get there. Make it a voting outing together!
Cast your vote
Voting by mail
If you followed the instructions above to request your ballot by mail, you should receive it well before Election Day. If not, call the Elections Office at (830) 331-8701.
Make sure you carefully follow the instructions to complete your ballot, enclose it in the proper envelopes in the proper sequence, and very importantly — sign across the envelope flap in the red box of the outer envelope. Don’t forget to add sufficient postage (although it is USPS’s policy to deliver mail-in ballots to the Elections Office without delay even if they have insufficient postage).
Your mail-in ballot must be received (or at least postmarked) by Election Day, Tuesday, July 14 — but sooner is better to prevent any problems. If you’re up against the deadline and are worried about getting the Election Day postmark, you can:
- Take your sealed ballot and delivery envelope to the postal counter and ask for a “round stamp” postmark, which clearly shows the date, or
- Hand-deliver your mail-in ballot to the Elections Office at 221 Fawn Valley Drive in Boerne on Election Day (not to an Election Day polling location), and be prepared to show proper ID when submitting.
If you’ve already mailed in your ballot and want to confirm that it has been received and counted, follow these steps:
- Go to the Current Election page on the Kendall County Elections website
- Scroll down and click on “Voter History Reports”
- Click on the second tab, “Early Voting – Returned Voted Ballots”
- Information is posted by the date the ballot is received, so you may need to look at multiple dates to find your name.
- If you have trouble or don’t find your name, call the Elections Office at (830) 331-8701.
Voting in person
Kendall County Elections officials are taking extraordinary measures to ensure that even with the threat of COVID-19, all election activities can be conducted safely for voters and poll workers alike.
The League of Women Voters has published helpful suggestions on voting safely in the times of coronavirus. Additional suggestions for safe voting are available from the CDC and from the Texas Secretary of State.
When it’s time to go vote, make sure to take along one of the various acceptable forms of photo ID. Curbside voting is available at all polling locations for voters who need it.
Also, consider adding the Election Protection Hotline number, 1-866-OUR-VOTE (866-687-8683) to your contacts on your phone so you can call them if you have any questions or problems casting your vote, or observe any problems at the polls.
And finally, don’t forget to pick up your “I Voted” sticker — and wear it proudly!