Progressive Views: DEI: What’s Going On

By Kevin Henning
For the “Progressive Views” column, Boerne Star, March 9, 2025

Image by Markus Winkler is licensed under CC-BY-NC-ND 2.0

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives are the right thing to do, but the current administration is using them as an cynical excuse for almost everything that goes wrong in the country. This is being done to distract from ongoing efforts to willy-nilly dismantle government and government regulation. We should be better than this. Driven by hatred, bigotry, and misogyny, the unprecedented actions to dismantle DEI will take us back to the age of overt discrimination.

Merriam-Webster says DEI is “a set of values and related policies and practices focused on establishing a group culture of equitable and inclusive treatment and on attracting and retaining a diverse group of participants, including people who have historically been excluded or discriminated against.”

Because of DEI efforts, we have increased the number of females, people of color, and members of the LGBTQ+ community in leadership. DEI philosophy also supports the inclusion of and respect for the handicapped and veterans. This is good, not bad, and most Americans believe that it is beneficial. A 2023 Harris poll found that more than 80% of American adults believe that diversity programs are positive. A 2024 Marist poll showed that 82% of American adults think that diversity makes us stronger. A 2020 McKinsey study of 1000 large companies found that more diverse companies are more likely to outperform non-diverse companies in profitability and other performance measures.

I have personal experience with DEI efforts. As an oil industry worker starting in 1970 it was evident that the oil industry was not a haven for diversity. Through the 1970s and 1980s, I was proud to be a supporter of the inclusion of workers of color and women into operations and positions of leadership. Today, my former company, the largest and most successful Refining and Marketing company in the United States, is led by an incredible woman. 

I have also witnessed institutional segregation. In 1970, I took my first permanent job and was sent to Claiborne Parish, Louisiana to work as a petroleum engineer. Louisiana politicians had fought de-segregation since 1954 using the myth of “separate but equal” to justify continued bigotry. 1970 was the year that Claiborne Parish schools integrated. The population–then as now–was about 50% black and 50% white. With integration finally unavoidable, the racist elements of the community established Claiborne Christian Academy, a segregationist school. This resulted in a significant split in our office with one group of employees supporting the public schools and the other the Christian academy. Fortunately, most of the community committed to the concept of DEI and worked to make integration a success. In 1970, the integrated high school football team finally won the State Championship for small schools in what can be described as a “Remember the Titans” moment. They won again in 1971. Today, the mix of officials in the county is consistent with the demographics of the community. 

Unfortunately, we still need DEI efforts as “Project 2025” extremists strive to establish unchecked power for the executive branch of government and enact expansive control over all aspects of our lives. Our current Defense Secretary, citing DEI, oversaw the removal of Admiral Lisa Franchetti, Chief of Naval Operations and General James Slife, Vice Chair of the Air Force. Both are distinguished career military leaders.  He also fired Air Force General Brown who was chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Brown is a history-making, highly respected combat pilot and 40-year military leader.  This was part of a campaign led by the Defense Secretary to rid the service of officers who support diversity and equity. All of these fired officers are far more qualified to be Secretary of Defense than the former National Guardsman and talk show host who fired them. The current Defense Secretary’s anti-DEI comments convince me that he is unfit to lead the military. I believe another reason for the dismissal of these three military leaders was because they have a primary allegiance to the Constitution and the American people, unlike the Defense Secretary whose blind loyalty to an individual was the main requirement to get the job. 

To learn more, check out the Kendall County Democratic Party website at

Kevin Henning is a local Democrat.

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