Progressive Views: Contact Legislators on Two Terrible Bills

The Texas Legislature is about a month into its every-other-year session, and they are considering quite a few awful bills, including school vouchers, but also an elimination to countywide voting and the SAVE act which requires all Americans to provide a birth certificate, passport, or one of a few other citizenship documents every time they register or re-register to vote.

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Progressive Views: Support the Texas Worker

Texas workers are not supported by the Texas Legislature as evidenced by the state government continuing to hold teacher pay hostage to approve vouchers, not requiring companies to provide workers compensation insurance and not providing adequate minimum wage or health insurance for the people who make the Texas economy vibrant and successful in spite of government efforts to minimize their contributions and protections.

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Progressive Views: Just Say “No” (Again) to School Vouchers

Gov. Greg Abbott is boasting that he now has the votes to pass his “school choice” voucher program during next year’s session of the Texas Legislature. He’s confident because during the recent primary he ran a successful “revenge campaign” against incumbents from his own party who helped defeat vouchers during the last legislative session. This, despite consistent polling that shows a majority of Texans do not support vouchers. Democratic legislators will be our only line of defense to defeat them once again.

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Progressive Views: Bring Back Comity

Hatred, bigotry, political polarization, and distrust are huge problems that must be solved if we are to remain a democracy.  We need all people to fix it. Extremism in on the rise and increasing in Texas. The writer provides possible ways of fighting extremism and ending hatred.

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Progressive Views: Say “No” to School Vouchers Again

School vouchers will divert your tax money into private schools and subsidize wealthier people sending their kids to elitist schools. The governor’s school voucher plan defunds public schools, funds private and religious schools, funnels dollars away from struggling schools, and widens the education inequality gap.

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Progressive Views: Vote at Home
Absentee ballot green envelope

Progressive Views: Vote at Home

Vote at home is also called vote by mail or absentee voting. It is increasing throughout the United States because it is a great way to improve voter turnout and reduce election costs. Texas scores among the lowest in voter-friendly policies. Expanding mail in and absentee voting would be a great way to improve voter turnout, strengthen our election security, and secure our democracy for future generations.

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Progressive Views: The 88th TxLege Is A Wrap (Sort Of)
Image by Ruben Reyes is licensed under CC-BY-NC-ND 2.0

Progressive Views: The 88th TxLege Is A Wrap (Sort Of)

Article discusses the results of the 88th Texas Legislature with school vouchers still unpassed and HB 12 and HB 2390 as victories and disappointments such as HB 2744 and HB 3995. Governor Abbott has vowed to call multiple special sessions to pass many critical items. KCDP plans to keep a close eye on bills introduced in these sessions.

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