Once the early rains passed Saturday morning, we had a great time at Boerne Market Days this past weekend!
Our joint booth included information, merchandise and volunteers from both the Kendall County Democratic Party and the Boerne Area Democrats. It was great to meet and talk with not just folks from Kendall County but also visitors from San Antonio, Austin and across the Hill Country. Through the course of the weekend, we had over 50 visitors stop and chat, pick up materials, buy a shirt, or sign up to learn more about KCDP and/or BAD.
Are you “Ready to Vote?”

In particular, volunteer deputy registrars from KCDP’s Voter Education & Registration Team turned part of the booth into a “Ready to Vote?” information station. At the “Ready to Vote?” station, our volunteer deputy registrars help anyone, regardless of party affiliation (or non-affiliation), who…
- wants to check the status of their voter registration
- wants to get registered to vote, or update their registration
- has questions about voting dates, times, and locations, and what they need to take to the polls
- wants to know if they’re eligible to vote by mail, and how to do so
- has any other questions about exercising their rights as a citizen
We were pleased to be able to meet and talk with so many people this weekend, answer questions, and register a number of people to vote! If you’ve got a business, venue or upcoming event in Kendall County, and you’d like to encourage your visitors to learn about and exercise their rights to vote, let our Voter Education & Registration Team know and we’ll bring the non-partisan “Ready to Vote?” information station to you!