by Kevin Henning, KCDP Chair
for the KCDP weekly newsletter, September 13, 2020

“In a dark season of pestilence, COVID has reduced to tatters the illusion of American exceptionalism. At the height of the crisis, with more than 2,000 dying each day, Americans found themselves members of a failed state, ruled by a dysfunctional and incompetent government largely responsible for death rates that added a tragic coda to America’s claim to supremacy in the world.”
Wade Davis, “The Unraveling of America” in Rolling Stone
With each new day we hear more horrific stories about the current occupant of the White House. We have our motivation, now we all must vote and we must get our friends to vote. I challenge you to find 15 fellow citizens and be sure they vote blue. Here’s how to vote.
Early voting in person
The best way to vote is to Early vote which begins on October 13 and runs until October 30.
There will be early voting in two locations: the Election office at 221 Fawn Valley Dr. and Boerne City Hall. You can go to the KCDP website or the Election Office site for details.
Folks early voting or doing mail in voting will reduce the load on election day and help us reduce lines and improve social distancing. Staci Decker, our Election Administrator, has developed a great plan to safely conduct voting operations in light of the pandemic.
If you are nervous about going into a polling place you can vote by mail if you are eligible or curbside vote during early voting and on election day. Dr. Fauci has pointed out, voting will be as safe as going to the grocery store if you follow the Guidelines.
Voting by mail
Mail in voting is an option for those over 65, folks who will be out of town, are ill or disabled or are in jail but not convicted of a crime. This is how I am going to vote. When I receive my ballot in early October, I will first carefully read the instructions. I will then complete it, voting for all the Democratic candidates, seal and sign the outside of the mailing envelope. I plan to mail my ballot on the same day I get it.
Be sure and sign, some folks do forget, then put a 55-cent stamp on it and mail it. I am assured by Staci Decker it will only take one stamp. I will then wait a week and call the election office to be sure they got my ballot. There are ways to check on-line but just call, it is easier.
Remember, if you are in doubt about whether you have a ballot coming to you or after you mail in vote whether your ballot has been received just call 830-331-8701. The Election Office will be happy to help you. You can also drop your ballot off at the election office, 221 Fawn Valley Dr.when it is open normally 8 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and 1p.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. It will of course also be open during all the early voting times and on election day. You will need to show a picture ID and sign a register to drop off your ballot.
Last chance: Election Day
If you can’t early vote or vote by mail, Election day — Nov 3 — will be your last chance. The polls will be open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. and you can vote at any of the eleven voting centers around the county. Please have an election plan so you know where to go vote and who or what to vote for. The plan should include voting for all the Democrats which includes 13 women and 2 men in Kendall County In 2019, the Republican controlled Texas Legislature outlawed straight party voting to try to hurt the Democratic vote so you must vote up and down the ballot. If you are in the City limits of Boerne you will have 13 City Charter Amendments to vote on and if you are in Boerne City Council District 3 you will have to choose a City council person. There will be information on these elections in the local papers and you can always got to for information from the League of Women Voters.
If you have a question checkout the websites mentioned above or call the Election Office 830-331-8701 or the KCDP at 830-331-0672. Also, we have folks available to drive you to the polls if you need help getting there.
So if you’re looking for a break from our national tragicomedy, from anti-intellectualism, the rejection of science, and a callous disregard for human suffering and hardship, look no further than the Kendall County Democratic Party, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and all the other great Democratic candidates.
Remember your mission is to get at least 15 other folks to Vote Blue!
Stay Safe and Stay Engaged!
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