We’re fired up and proud of our great Democratic candidates, and we want all of Kendall County to know it! It’s very important for us to be visible and open about the great candidates on our ticket, to remind neighbors and passersby: “There are more of us than you think!”
So if you’d like to plant a “Democracy Garden” like the one pictured here, we’ve got the “seeds” you need. At the Democratic HQ in Boerne, we’ve got the following campaign signs, with more on their way:
- Biden for President
- Wendy Davis for Congress (official campaign logo, light blue)
- Texans for Wendy Davis (Texas flag graphic)
- Stephanie Phillips for Texas House District 73
- Justice Rebeca Martinez for Chief Justice, 4th Court of Appeals
- Vote Blue 2020 / Votar Azul 2020
We also have signs and “car magnets” with the “Vote Blue 2020 – Unite the Country” message featured on our new billboard on I-10 (eastbound between Comfort and Boerne).

You can either stop by our Democratic HQ in Boerne to pick up your campaign signs, or contact us (830-331-0672 or info@kendalltxdemocrats.org) and we will deliver them to your door — or plant them in your yard for you! (A donation of $10 per sign is optional, but very helpful to keep our campaigns and “gardens” growing.)
With your help, between now and the election, they will be more than just cultivated gardens — they’ll take off like bluebonnets in the Hill Country spring!