Kendall County Democratic Party Chair Laura Bray Elected as a Delegate to Democratic National Convention
At the Texas Democratic Convention on June 7, Kendall County Democratic Party (KCDP) Chair Laura Bray was elected as a Delegate to the Democratic National Convention, to be held in Chicago from August 19-22. Bray was one of only five Delegates elected from Congressional District 21, and she received votes from all nine counties in the district. Her election ensures that Kendall County will have a voice at the national level in August.
“I’m proud to represent both rural areas such as Kendall County and the Hill Country, and also San Antonio, where I lived for eighteen years,” said Bray. “I look forward to representing Texas Democrats on the national stage. I plan to share with other delegates from across the country that, despite our current state leadership, Texas and the Hill Country are full of passionate Democrats working to effect change.”
Laura Bray
About the Kendall County Democratic Party
The Kendall County Democratic Party is an active, growing team committed to building a more inclusive community. We’re fighting for healthcare for all, public education, the environment, voting rights, common-sense gun safety, and more.
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