We may look around at the world and wonder, “What can I do to make it better?” We may not think we have the talents or skills required, or we may worry that our individual efforts may be too small to make a difference. And right now, we may wonder how to get involved safely, in ways that protect ourselves and others from COVID-19.
We want you to know at this critical moment in history: whatever your talents or skills and whatever your interests, you can use them to help bring about change for the better. And you can join many others doing the same — and our collective actions can be both safe and very effective.
So what’s your talent? What’s your interest? Whether you’re into writing, texting, social media, art/graphic design, talking on the phone, data management, networking with people, training or presenting, your help is just what we need! Here’s how you can make a difference between now and November!
- Postcards to voters: Handwritten postcards really get attention! KCDP members have already been working on targeted postcard campaigns to Kendall County voters, and we are planning more! Cards, addresses and suggested messages are provided. Contact deputychair@kendalltxdemocrats.org to join the next effort.
Beyond that, if you want to do more, you can contact Blue Action Democrats for statewide postcard campaigns, or Postcards to Voters for national campaigns. - Letters to the editor: Letters to the Editor are a great way to make your views and opinion known. Letters should be 350 words or less, and must include your name and address (your address won’t be published but your name and town will be). You can submit your letters by email to:
- Boerne Star: news@boernestar.com
- Hill Country Weekly: editor@hillcountryweekly.com
- Comfort News: dukecomfort@hctc.net
- San Antonio Express-News: letters@express-news.net
- Letters to elected officials: You can also get your elected officials’ attention by writing to them directly. The ACLU has excellent suggestions for writing effective letters to elected officials. Common Cause’s “Find Your Representatives” tool identifies and provides contact information for all your elected representatives at all levels of government
- Columns for local papers: Laura Bray organizes our contributions to the weekly “Progressive Views” column in the Boerne Star, which may be up to 750 words in length. If you’re interested, please take a look at our suggestions for writers, and contact Laura for more information.
- KCDP/BAD communications: KCDP and the Boerne Area Democrats can use volunteers with strong writing skills to help us communicate clearly with our community, with local voters, and with our members. This can involve outreach campaigns, newsletters, training materials, and more. Please contact Laura Bray to join our Media Team.
- Texting voters: Text messaging is a critical communications medium in the 2020 election cycle because of the effects of the pandemic. At KCDP, our text messages and reminders to local voters employ a tool called Hustle. This tool allows all of us to have great text conversations with voters without sharing our personal phone numbers. To get involved in a Kendall County Hustle campaign, contact Becky, our Hustle coordinator.
Ready for even more? Campaigns like Wendy Davis for Congress do frequent text-message outreach, Powered by People has texting campaigns statewide, and the texting-team channel on Texas Democrats’ ConnectTexas Slack network can put you in touch with other similar efforts. - Text to contact elected officials and much more: Resistbot is a tool that helps deliver messages to your federal or state officials or local news media. It also provides information about a variety of issues, volunteering and voting, and much more. To get started, text the word RESIST to 50409, and you can customize your messages. Your Kendall County neighbors are using Resistbot too!
Social media
- Create/compose content: Democrats have an inspiring message, and we want our social media channels to inspire people to get active and get out to vote! If you’d like to help create content that will connect with folks on KCDP social channels (Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, Facebook) and even help us reach other channels, please contact Laura Bray to join our Media Team.
- Amplify messages: You can also help make sure more people see important messages about opportunities to take action and vote! If you like/follow our social media channels (Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, Facebook) you can help us. by sharing those messages with your own networks of friends and followers with your stories, your retweets, and via your own posts.
Art/graphic design
- Graphic design: Clear, eye-catching visuals are important for all our communications — print, web, and social media. If you’ve got skills and an eye for design, please contact Laura Bray to join our Media Team.
- Custom merchandise designs: If you’ve got ideas for merchandise that would appeal to Democrats in Kendall County and beyond, we’d love to build out our online store. Custom merch can raise visibility and spirit, and also raise funds for get-out-the-vote efforts. Please contact Laura Bray for more information.
- Artwork for the Boerne Democratic HQ “gallery”: To help raise funds to get-out-the-vote, artistic local Democrats have donated artwork for silent auctions and for our mini-gallery at the Boerne Democratic HQ. If you’ve got artwork you’d like to donate, contact Sherry, our office coordinator.
Talking on the phone
- Home-based phone banking: While we’re social distancing, we’re staying in touch with neighbors and prospective voters by telephone. Phone banks can perform wellness checks, voter outreach, and get-out-the-vote calls. Virtual phone banks allow you to use your own computer, while keeping your phone number protected. All the scripts and information you’ll need to talk with voters are provided. Interested? Contact Deputy Chair Laura Bray to join our phonebanking team!
For more opportunities to talk with voters, campaigns like Wendy Davis for Congress will need help calling voters, Powered by People will be calling voters statewide, and the call-team channel on Texas Democrats’ ConnectTexas Slack network can put you in touch with other similar efforts. - Calling your elected officials: Calling your elected officials and speaking with them or their staff is one of the most effective ways to make your voice heard. Common Cause’s “Find Your Representatives” tool will get you the numbers you need. Global Citizen has a great summary of how to make the most impact when calling your representatives.
But the easiest way to call your representatives is with an app called 5calls, available for iPhones, Android phones, or on the web. 5calls not only connects you with all the reps you need to contact, it keeps you organized and on-message.
Data management
- Help us make the most of voter data: We keep track of a lot of data about voters. That means we must update our records every time we learn something new about any voter. If we use this information effectively, it helps us to optimize our voter outreach for best results. If databases are your jam, then contact Becky, our Voter Activation Network coordinator, to volunteer.
- Serve as Deputy Precinct Chair: In each of our precincts around Kendall County, we need volunteers to help our precinct chairs stay in touch with voters in specific local neighborhoods. If you’re interested, use these instructions to find and contact your precinct chair, or if you’re not sure whom to contact, reach out to info@kendalltxdemocrats.org
- Fundraising: Do you have help reaching out to potential donors for philanthropic support? If you’re able to offer us those kind of skills, please reach out to County Chair Kevin Henning.
- Voter education videos: Create short videos to educate Kendall County voters on key topics: registering, voting by mail, making a plan to vote, voting procedures, etc. If you’ve got training and/or video experience, please contact Laura Bray to join our Media Team.
- Volunteer training: Develop and/or deliver live or pre-recorded training for KCDP volunteers on other volunteer tasks described in this list. If you’re interested, please contact Laura Bray to offer assistance.
Customer service
- Serve as a poll worker: The Democratic Party will need poll workers for the Presidential election for both Early Voting and Election Day. Each party provides half of the workers so that polling places are equally represented to insure fairness. This fall we will need more new poll workers than usual — both because voter turnout will be huge, and because some poll workers with health concerns may not work the polls during the pandemic. Judges and Alternate Judges are paid $12/hr, and clerks $10/hour. Please contact County Chair Kevin Henning chair@kendalltxdemocrats.org if you are interested in learning more or signing up to work.
- Manage campaign merchandise orders & fulfillment: Acquire & manage inventory of campaign signs and other materials for Boerne Democratic HQ, coordinate donations and order fulfillment/delivery of those material to local donors/recipients