Running for: Texas House District 19
Why we are promoting Pam:
Although Pam grew up in a Republican household, she became a Democrat during the Vietnam War. She is a University of Texas graduate, worked as a reporter, and in public affairs for state government, hospitals, professional associations, and FEMA. Pam was honored to win multiple honors from her professional association, serving on the local and national boards. We are confident that Pam will set an example for as someone who has actually with lived experiences in the different areas of Texas.
“Can you imagine what our legislature could accomplish if we sat down together with this rule in mind? My promise is to do so at every opportunity.
Pam Baggett
Learn more about:
- Read about Pam’s campaign on her website.
- Learn about her priorities here.
- Keep up with Pam via her Facebook page or Instagram page.
- Support Pam’s campaign via ActBlue.