Right now is a critical time to make your voice heard, by contacting the elected officials who represent you in Austin and in Washington D.C. Here’s how.
A how-to guide by Laura Bray, KCDP Chair
January 15, 2021

With recent events in DC and the just-convened Texas Legislature, now is a great time to contact your elected representatives (your “electeds”) to let them know your feelings. Here are the best ways to do that:
Using Resistbot to Text Your Representatives
Resistbot is a text/Messenger based tool that allows you to send a message to your state and federal “electeds” in under two minutes.
Once you’ve gone through the set-up steps (so Resistbot knows where to send your message), you simply send the word “Resist” via your chosen app. It will then ask who you want to write, and you then compose your letter. When you’re done, Resistbot sends your message via email and you receive a confirmation. You can even use Resistbot to send a Letter to the Editor (see later) to your local newspaper.
Visit https://resist.bot/ to get started. Once you’re ready to go, just text “Resist” to 50409 on your phone or to Resistbot on Messenger/iMessage to start a new message.
Calling or Emailing Your Reps
Phone calls are an effective way to make your voice heard. Staffers tally every call for or against an issue or bill. You can also contact your electeds via email or on their social media pages.
It’s helpful to write out what you want to say before you call. The staffer will want to know your name and zip code, so start with that. Then move into your pitch. Keep it short and sweet for maximum effect. A personal story, if you have one, is also effective. Here’s a sample call script:
“Hi, my name is Laura Bray and I live in Boerne, TX, zip code 78006. I am calling to strongly encourage Senator Cruz to resign after his shameful challenge of the Electoral College count in Congress. Thank you.”
Make sure to stay on the line in case the staffer has a follow-up question.
At times of high interest, you might get a busy signal or a “this mailbox is full” message. Keep trying, or call a different office.
List of Elected Officials for Kendall County
- US Congress:
- Sen. John Cornyn:
- 210-224-7485 (SA Office)
- 202-224-2934 (DC Office)
- Email (via website): https://www.cornyn.senate.gov/contact
- Facebook: John Cornyn
- Twitter : @JohnCornyn
- Sen. Ted Cruz:
- 210-340-2885 (SA Office)
- 202-224-5922 (DC Office)
- Email (via website): https://www.cruz.senate.gov/?p=email_senator
- Facebook: Senator Ted Cruz
- Twitter : @TedCruz
- Rep. Chip Roy:
- 512-253-4420 (Austin office)
- 202-225-4236 (DC office)
- Email (via website): https://roy.house.gov/zip-code-lookup?form=/contact/email-me
- Facebook: U.S. Representative Chip Roy
- Twitter: @RepChipRoy
- US Congress switchboard/comment line: 202-224-3121
- House Democrats Oversight and Government Reform Committee:
- 202-225-5051
- Facebook: Oversight Dems
- Twitter: @OversightDems
- Sen. John Cornyn:
- Texas Government:
- Gov. Greg Abbott:
- 512-463-2000
- Email (via website): https://gov.texas.gov/apps/contact/opinion.aspx
- Facebook: Greg Abbott
- Twitter: @GovAbbott
- Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick
- 512-463-0001 (not the “comment line”)
- Twitter: @DanPatrick
- Sen. Donna Campbell (Tx Senate 25):
- 210-979-0013
- 512-463-0125
- Email (via website): https://senate.texas.gov/member.php?d=25
- Facebook: Dr. Donna Campbell
- Twitter: @DonnaCampbellTX
- Rep. Kyle Biedermann (Tx House 73):
- (512) 463-0325 (Austin)
- Email (via website): https://house.texas.gov/members/member-page/email/?district=73&session=87
- Facebook: Kyle Biedermann
- Twitter: @KyleBiedermann
- Gov. Greg Abbott:
- County Government:
- County Judge: Darrell Lux
- Email: judge@co.kendall.tx.us
- Precinct 1: Christina Bergmann
- Precinct 2: Richard Elkins
- Precinct 3: Richard Chapman
- Precinct 4: Don Durden
- Email: don.durden@co.kendall.tx.us
- Phone number for all: 830-249-9343
- County Judge: Darrell Lux
Writing Letters to the Editor
Letters to the Editor are a great way to make your views and opinion known. If you mention one of your elected officials, their staff will make sure your elected leader sees that letter.
- To send a letter to the editor of the Boerne Star, email news@boernestar.com
- To send a letter to the editor of the Hill Country Weekly, email editor@hillcountryweekly.com
- To send a letter to the editor of the Comfort News, email dukecomfort@hctc.net
- To send a letter to the editor of the San Antonio Express News, email letters@express-news.net
Letters should be 350 words or less, and you must include your name and address (your address won’t be published but your name and town will be). Almost without exception, the newspapers don’t accept “anonymous” letters.
Sign up with our activist partners
Our activist partners have robust programs to keep abreast of what’s happening in the Texas Legislature and ways to get involved on the issues most important to you. Follow the links below to visit their websites and sign up and for more information:
- Progress Texas
- In particular, see their guide on “Four Ways to Make Your Voice Heard During the 2021 Texas Legislative Session”
- Indivisible TX Lege