by Kevin Henning, KCDP Chair
for the KCDP weekly newsletter, March 15, 2020

With the US declaring a national state of emergency and the Texas disaster declaration, we want you to know that the KCDP is following events and implementing strategies for our upcoming meetings and office operations. First and foremost, your safety is our number one priority. If you do not feel safe, please do not attend an event or meeting.
We have developed a plan to conduct our March 21 County Convention in a modified fashion to limit group contact. Below are the details of how we will do the convention. In an abundance of caution, we are asking that only essential people (who choose to) attend a very abbreviated convention. This would include Precinct Chairs, officers and anyone who desires to be an elected delegate to the Texas Democratic Party State Convention. There will also be a procedure for anyone who cannot or is unable to attend to apply to be a delegate as described below. This is in keeping with recommendations from the Texas Democratic Party. Currently there is no County heath alert requirement to cancel. Should that change prior to next Saturday we will have to modify the plan and will advise accordingly.
Here is the Kendall County Website link discussing the Kendall County Covid – 19 plan: Please review it and check for changes over time.
As we all journey through these uncharted waters together, the KCDP want you to know that we are taking the current circumstances relating to the COVID-19 pandemic very seriously. At some point there may be a role for us to step up to help our community by providing meals or other activities to support folks who cannot do for themselves.
I remain shocked at the lack of leadership from POTUS. His national address was both sad and embarrassing and to read that his staff has to prepare him for the bad news that the numbers of infected people will be going up is shocking. A true leader would want all the correct information in a timely fashion and would be leading his staff not the other way around. With his National Emergency declaration Friday, he did give a somewhat improved performance. Let’s hope he is finally letting the experts do their job.
Governor Abbott’s Friday address and news conference was far better than what we have seen from the White House. While I don’t very often agree with Abbott, I do think he is demonstrating leadership in these uncertain times. We will get through this and return to normal but we need to not panic and over react as we learn the extent of illness and how to cope with it.
This week’s newsletter
Learn more about calling Senators on HR 6201, the County Convention, Census and more!
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