Progressive Views: On Betrayal

Donald Trump brought great shame upon this country when he ordered U.S. troops to depart northern Syria, betraying the Kurdish militia, our strongest ally in the war against ISIS in Syria.

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Progressive Views: Healthcare Enrollment

Open enrollment on the marketplace started November 1 and runs until December 15, and it's possible to find help if you need it.

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"Se cometieron errores"
Photo by Luke Rosenberger, licensed under licensed under CC-BY 2.0

"Se cometieron errores"

“Se cometieron errores.” Es un intento de apaciguar, aproximándose a una disculpa sin reconocer culpa, como si los errores no tuvieran historial ni autores ni consecuencias. Pero sí los hay, y muchos.

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Progressive Views: "Mistakes Were Made"
Photo by Luke Rosenberger, licensed under licensed under CC-BY 2.0

Progressive Views: "Mistakes Were Made"

"Mistakes were made": it's an attempt to appease, approximating an apology without recognizing fault, as though the mistakes had neither a past, nor sources, nor consequences. But they have a long list of them.

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